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a love of life and learning

"I came so that they could have life - indeed so that they can live life to the fullest" John 10:10


Excerpt from our December 2021 inspection  This school continues to be good.

Pupils enjoy coming to this small village school. They feel safe and get on well with staff. Pupils feel well cared for and know that if they need to talk to someone about their worries, there is always someone on hand.

Leaders are passionate about providing the best education for their pupils. Since the last inspection, they have ensured that the curriculum is broad and ambitious. Leaders have focused on ensuring staff are trained well to provide high-quality phonics teaching from the time children start in Reception.

Leaders identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) accurately. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) helps staff to provide pupils with SEND with learning that is closely matched to their needs. Staff strive to ensure that pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers in lessons. Those pupils with more complex needs receive appropriate specialist support.

Pupils have a well-developed understanding of fundamental British values. There are many opportunities within the curriculum to broaden pupils’ understanding of diversity. For example, pupils learn about different types of families and how people with different backgrounds and beliefs live. Pupils also learn about showing caring and understanding to people who feel different. Assemblies are a highlight for many pupils. They learn about what spirituality means to Christians and to people from other religions.

A copy of our full inspection report from December 2021

Full copy of our November 2016 report

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