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“Learning Together, learning for life; A seamless education from 2-18” 

“Strong in spirit, full of wisdom” Luke 2:40 

Cultural Capital

Children arrive at school with a wide range of different experiences. Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. It is about giving children the best possible.  At Beedon we do this in a number of ways:

  • providing books and learning linked to children's interests and helping them to develop new ones
  • setting up memorable practical activities which help children make positive memories which inspire them to learn more
  • inviting visitors in to school to talk to children about their jobs, hobbies and interests
  • linking our learning to our local area - helping our children to see how they fit into their community
  • working with other local schools in our federation
  • taking our children on visits which enrich their learning
  • providing music lessons and sporting activities
  • introducing our children to wide range of literature, art and music from a range of cultures
  • encouraging our children to give back to their own community and other communities around the world
  • nurtuturing leadership potential


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