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School Uniform

The uniform consists of:

  • Navy or grey skirts, shorts, trousers or pinafores;
  • Navy blue school sweatshirt or cardigan;
  • A school fleece with logo may be worn on top of the school sweatshirt or cardigan, on a cold day, but not instead of;
  • White polo shirt (with or without school logo), blouse or shirt;
  • White, black, grey or navy socks or tights;
  • Sturdy black school shoes suitable for playing outdoors (please no trainers for daily schoolwear);
  • Blue/White Gingham dresses may be worn in the summer.
  • A hat is advised for summer
  • All children should also have a school book bag with the school logo.

All clothing/shoes should be clearly marked with your child’s name.

Our uniform is available to buy from Skoolkit Ltd shop in the Parkway Shopping Centre in Newbury.

High standards of appearance and grooming are expected. Jewellery, make-up, hair-gel, hair colour, nail varnish and earrings are not acceptable. Long hair (shoulder length or longer) must be tied back.  No extremes of hair style or ornate hair decorations are allowed.  The Headteacher’s decision is final.  If a watch is worn to school, it is the responsibility of the child.

Students are not allowed to wear jewellery. There are some exceptions to this rule:

  • Students may wear Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces
  • Students may wear jewellery if they belong to a religion that requires its adherents to wear specific items of jewellery, although religious jewellery that is a symbol of faith but not explicitly required by the religion should not be worn
  • These items of jewellery may still need to be removed for reasons of Health and Safety.

Students are strongly advised to have any piercings at the start of the summer holiday, so their piercings are fully healed by the beginning of September. If any student has a piercing at another time, they will be required to wear clear plastic retainers, rather than any item of jewellery, while they are in school. These should not be worn once the piercing has healed.

PE kit

  • Navy blue polo shirt with school logo;
  • Navy or black shorts or skorts;
  • A warm, plain black or navy blue tracksuit is advised in the winter;
  • Trainers for outdoor PE;
  • Plimsolls may be worn indoors.

Other uniform information

At Beedon school we aim for the highest standard in all that we do,therefore we expect that staff and children take care of their personal appearance and grooming.

Children should wear the Beedon uniform to school at all times (unless otherwise instructed by the school), and not their out of school clothes.Jewellery, make-up, hair-gel, nail varnish and earrings are not acceptable for children whilst in school. Extremes of hair colour or style, or ornate hair decorations are also not suitablefor school. If a watch is worn to school, it is the responsibility of the child.

Our uniform is available in a range of styles from many high street stores.  Please select items that are comfortable for your child and allow them to dress and undress easily for PE. 

Skoolkit, 40 East Street, Parkway Shopping, Newbury, RG14 1AY 01635 226703

Should you need financial assistance to purchase items of our school uniform then please contact Mrs Boden in the school office. She will always be able to help. Please be aware, this is a confidential service.

Please ensure all uniform is marked clearly with your child’s name.

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