Healthy Snacks/Lunches
Better Lunchtimes Award
In 2019, we worked with School Health UK to audit, assess and improve the lunchtime experience for our children. We are very proud to have been assessed at the highest level "REMARKABLE" with a final assessment score of 23.5/25. You can access the full report below.
Healthy food policy
We encourage our children to be fit and healthy. Please pack a healthy lunch for your child. Sweets and chocolates should not be included in packed lunches. As a general rule, if a product is found in the convectionery aisle of the supermarket, it is not suitable as part of a healthy lunch.
Beedon is a NUT FREE school. Please do not include nuts or nut based products in packed lunches.

Children may bring a healthy snack for breaktime - fresh fruit or vegetable are ideal. All children in Hedgehogs class receive a free piece of fruit every day. Children are given free milk until their 5th birthday. Parents are able to order milk for their children using the link below.
Children have free access to their water bottles throughout the school day.