strong in spirit, full of wisdom (Luke 2:40)
What do we mean by developing spirituality at Beedon?
The Cambridge Dictionary defines spirituality as 'the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.'
At Beedon CE Primary School we say that:-
Spirituality is about being aware of yourself and the world around you.
Spirituality is about awe and wonder.
Spirituality is about values and beliefs.
Spirituality is about emotions.
Many opportunities to develop spirituality are woven into our classroom learning and wider curriculum.
"There are many opportunities within the curriculum to broaden pupils’ understanding of diversity. For example, pupils learn about different types of families and how people with different backgrounds and beliefs live. Pupils also learn about showing caring and understanding to people who feel different. Assemblies are a highlight for many pupils. They learn about what spirituality means to Christians and to people from other religions." Ofsted December 2021
Windows, Mirrors and Doors
The approach we use for spirituality at our school is Windows, Mirrors and Doors. The children use the Butteffly House to reflect on their spirituality and they also use this approach in class to reflect on their learning and our school values.